Hex to text converter
Hex to text converter

hex to text converter

Conversion Calculators - Here you'll find a simple, automatic calculator to switch between hex, binary, and decimal.Converting To/From Binary - This page shows how you can convert between binary and hex.Converting To/From Decimal - This page covers our preferred methods of converting between hex and decimal.


This page covers the 16 digits of hex, how we represent hex numbers, and how to count in hex. This tutorial covers everything hex-related that you might encounter in electronics or programming. It's important to understand how hex works, because, in many cases, it makes more sense to represent a number in base 16 than with binary or decimal. Hex, along with decimal and binary, is one of the most commonly encountered numeral systems in the world of electronics and programming. The base 2, binary, system uses just two digit values (0 and 1) to represent numbers. Binary (base 2) is also popular in the engineering world, because it's the language of computers. There are many (infinite!) other numeral systems out there. Hex uses the standard 0-9, but it also incorporates six digits you wouldn't usually expect to see creating numbers: A, B, C, D, E, and F. It just so happens that hex uses a set of 16 unique digits. Hex, like decimal, combines a set of digits to create large numbers.

hex to text converter

Decimal is a base 10 number system (perfect for beings with 10 fingers), and it uses a collection of 10 unique digits, which can be combined to positionally represent numbers. In that way it's no different than the most famous of numeral systems (the one we use every day): decimal. Hexadecimal - also known as hex or base 16 - is a system we can use to write and share numerical values. Once you understand hex, the next step is decoding the matrix!

Hex to text converter